”El deseo de Dios”

El Deseo de DiosEl Deseo de DiosEl Deseo de DiosEl Deseo de DiosEl Deseo de DiosEl Deseo de DiosEl Deseo de DiosEl Deseo de DiosEl Deseo de DiosEl Deseo de DiosEl Deseo de DiosEl Deseo de DiosEl Deseo de Dios

In the “Caleta El Membrillo“, a fishermen creek some hundred meters far from Valparaíso container port, gather on each Saturday the dancers of the ”Baile gitano de San Pedro”. They meet amongst the back and forths of the fishermen, to rehearse their dance in honour to the Virgin, in front of the statue of San Pedro that dominates the creek.

Some parades punctuate the year, at the occasion of religious feasts. Then, the dancers in their “galas", colourful attires, express through their energy, the strength of a popular devotion that was recognized in the intangible cultural heritage of the UNESCO.

In 2014, we begin shooting the future documentary film titled “El deseo de Dios“.

Saturday through Saturday, during almost three months, we shoot the group’s rehearsal. Three parades occur in this period, among which the pilgrimage where groups of dancers from all the country gather each year, in Lo Vásquez. We accompany them and also question them, and several of them transmit to us their vision of this practice that fills up their lives, in a Chile that is sometimes too much left to fatalism. Among them, the couple that presides the group, Anselmo and Ana, transmit to these young persons their strength and their sense of solidarity.

The documentary is released at the LIFFY (Latino and Iberian Film Festival at Yale) on November 4th 2023.